Who is watching your facebook

1:46 AM

Facebook is the easy medium for getting other’s information and photo. People take information of each other even though they are not friends.facebook lady
But, you may have not been able to know who is observing your Facebook.You can take a help from Google Chrome extension to facilitate a rapid information about your Facebook profile observation.
The new look will appear on your Facebook after adding the Chrome extension. This will inform you about the people who are observing your Facebook.
What to Do?
The first step
Firstly, keep this Google Chrome extension. Type Facebook Flat on Chrome. Click “Add to chrome” to add Facebook Flat on Google’s Chrome Webstore. A few minutes later, message will come saying “Added to Chrome”.facebook flat
The second step
Go to Facebook profile and refresh after adding this extension. All icon appears on the left bar. There is also a green button for feed.facebook flat 1
The third step
If you see a binocular shaped icon on left panel, then click it. Now, this icon will show who are observing your face book.facebook flat 2

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