Chinese Conspiracy in Nepal

2:07 AM

After the constitution came on Nepal the cold war between India and Nepal started. Nepalese people faced lots of crisis and shortage due to this war where the India has blocked the border with Nepal so that the import will be stopped and people would face problem and the government could agree with them. That blockage was done for the constitutional rights of Madhesi communities of Indian origin living in Nepal. After that China tried to help Nepal and it imported the things to Nepal even though the geographical condition was not in the favor. China opened the trade route for Nepal through which they used to supply the things that Nepalese needed which they used to depend on the India at first. In this video you can see the political issue between Nepal and India. Nepal and India are the neighbors as they share the bilateral relationship as well as they have the deep and friendly relationship with each other. But in between many thing got affected, but now the war has ended but if it was late for anything than this friendship would have broken forever. Here is a news that is brought by Indian Media Channel relating to the past situation as well as current situation between these two Nations.

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