Funny and amazing street performance

6:51 PM

Street performers can be seen in different parts of the world. Their work is to show their stunts and act in streets and to earn money through it. Different street performers have their own unique way to earn money. Some sing songs, some dance and some show circuses. But in India things are very different. People try to earn money there with the most strange things ever. Some use cobra as a means and they entertain the crowd by making the cobra dance and doing many other tricks.There are many other street acts but one has been uploaded on YouTube which is quite funny but stunning at the same time. In the video a man is riding a bicycle and his hands are in air. Another man is dressed up as a female and is dancing and lip syncing to a Indian song. Not only that another man is sitting in the middle and looking after another bicycle. The performers are surrounded by a crowd of people and they are amazed to see them . As the song starts the man starts to show different stunts and acts by sitting on the bicycle. Some times he is using his hand to ride it and some times his hands are in air. He does many stunts and the man dresses up as girl goes in front of him and starts to dance. They act like they are a duo and are singing the song for each other.

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