Crime News: sexual abuse by "Dhami jhakri"

11:35 AM

The Metropolitan Police comprises of Public Security Division, Administration Division, Intelligence Division, Inspectorate, Crime Division, Traffic Division, Armed Police Battalion, Riot Control Battalion, Garrison Battalion, Control Room, 3 Ranges, 18 Circles, 50 Sectors, 3 Area Police Offices and 23 Police Posts at present. Other Divisions and Sections will become functional in due course. The MPO today is on the forefront of technological crime fighting advances from highly developed advances in evidence analysis to state-of the-art-information technology. These modern techniques are combined with a contemporary community policing philosophy, referred to as Policing for Prevention. Community policing bonds the police and residents in a working partnership designed to organize and mobilize residents, merchants and professionals to improve the quality of life for all who live, work and visit the country's capital. Additional Inspector General of Police serves as the Police Commissioner of Metropolitan Police Office, Kathmandu. He is responsible and accountable for all activities involving the Metropolitan Police Office and establishes professional standards that maintain a high level of integrity and ethical conduct.The mission of the Metropolitan Police Office is to prevent crime and the fear of crime and provide effective, efficient and fair police service to the people in order to build safe, healthy and prepared neighborhoods throughout the Kathmandu Metropolis.

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