Man publicly $h@med by being taken on n@k*d walk of $h@me - See more at:

5:42 AM

You can see a n@ked man in the following video footage. It is said that this man was stripped n@ked in an attempt to publicly sh@me him because he was allegedly caught trying to r@pe an eight-year-old girl. This !nc!dent took place in the Santa Brigida neighborhood on the outskirts of San Miguel in eastern Argentina. He was paraded through a town after a dragged from the scene with his hands tied with a rope. The man was handed to the local police. Policewoman can be seen in the footage taking off the rope for handcuffing the man and bundling him into a patrol car. People are being mad at him and shouting out loud. The shouting insults at the man can be heard in the footage.This video has created an attention of lots of people.However, no news yet on what action the authorities will take against man or what local tests had to hum!l!@te him as they did. Some local social networks have shown the positive concern for local people and their action saying that residents of the community have done justice when apprehended a cr!m!n@l who was about to r@pe a young as 8 years old, and handed over to the police hope that justice for the innocent girl .

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