RPP-N flay govt for grant to Sujata Koirala

10:22 AM

Opposition parties, CPN-UML and Rastriya Prajatantra Party-Nepal, have questioned the rationale behind the government’s decision to provide financial support to Nepali Congress leader Sujata Koirala for her treatment. UML lawmakers Prakash Jwala and Yagyaraj Sunuwar, speaking at the zero hour during the Parliament meeting today, expressed their dissatisfaction on the government decision to provide Koirala with Rs 5 million for the treatment against breast cancer.“A woman in a remote area is dying owing to the lack of basic health facilities whereas another is given Rs 5 million for treatment. This is an unjust treatment,” opined the leaders. Leader Jwala, also the Chairman of the Finance Committee in the House, has accused the government of taking the decision without any consultation and of avoiding giving clarifications on the subject. Meanwhile, the RPP-Nepal Chief Whip Dilnath Giri said the government was trying to empty the national treasure.

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