Doctors use a saw and boltcutters to remove cock ring from man’s p@nis

8:48 AM

A man had to be rushed to hospital after getting a metal c*** ring stuck on his p@nis – until doctors used BOLT CUTTERS to remove it.He was using the s@x aid at home but was left in unbearable pain when he couldn’t remove it.Emergency services had to be called, who sent an ambulance to take him to the nearest hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.Horrifying images from the procedure showed medics using 2ft long boltcutters and a hacksaw to cut off the small ring. The sex toy is used by men who wish to maintain erections.Doctors and nurses struggled to contain their laughter as the man in his 30s – who has not been identified – had the ring removed.Volunteer rescue worker Jack Bansakul said: “The man put the metal alloy ring on his penis for some kind of sex game at home.”I’m not sure if it was one he’d bought from a shop or something he found in the garage.”But he hadn’t measured himself properly and when his penis expanded he could not remove it.

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