Film actor in the Nepali film industry. In the three years that he has been in the industry, he has already acted in over two dozen films. Besides being an actor on the screen, Rai is also a popular theatre artist. Rai, who started his career as a theatre artist, is now one of the founders of Mandala Theatre in Anamnagar. The theatre was established three years ago. The Post’s Anup Ojha talked with Rai about the quake’s effects on Nepali theatre and how Nepali theatre will recover. we got the multiparty democracy system in 1990; then came the 10-year-long civil war (1996 to 2006); in between, we lived through the royal massacre, in 2001; we also abolished constitutional monarchy in the country; then we have failed to write the constitution; and now we have to live with the aftermaths of this devastating earthquake.
All these incidents have impacted the film and theatre industry in Nepal. But I believe that this quake will perhaps have the largest impact. For now, we will have to discontinue producing films and drama the way we used to. Our main responsibility is to heal the people through our work. I am very confident that music, art, drama and film are great mediums for healing people—to help them deal with and live through the traumatic times we are going through.