China Urine Therapy Association that drinks wee daily has over 1000 members

1:56 AM

It’s mid-morning in the Kangyuyuan residential area in the city of Wuhan, China. Bao Yafu and Yi Dongshan are about to enjoy their first cups of urine of the day. Having returned from the bathroom of the cluttered China Urine Therapy Association office, they head to the roof terrace clasping newly-filled cups of dark yellow waste liquid, each with a little head of foam on top. ‘Delicious! I want more!’ says Mr Yi, 61, after enthusiastically taking a sip of his own effluent. ‘Mine tastes like light tea,’ says Mr Bao, 80, after drinking his. The pair polish off the rest of the contents of their cups. Mr Yi, who is sporting a fetching pair of knock-off Playboy shoes, splashes a bit around his face with his hands and dribbles some down his stripy shirt. Since 2010, Mr Bao has been the head of the Wuhan branch of the China Urine Therapy Association, an organisation comprised of people who drink their own urine every day.

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